When it is surety you need

Operating in the Dutch Antilles, Suriname and the Netherlands, Certus is a successful insurance brokerage firm focusing on swift and sound service.


Less risk means better conditions and better rates. Understanding the risks you face is the key for building a successful business. The challenge: sometimes these risks are hidden from view.

At CERTUS, not only will we help make sure obvious risks are protected, but we will also roll up our sleeves and get to know your business thoroughly enough that we can potentially identify “unknown unknowns”.

Our team will then give you advice on the best way to manage all the risks your business faces, either through a comprehensive insurance plan, or by taking other risk management steps to minimize the chance of unforeseen events that might stop your business in its tracks.


“The only thing worse than not having insurance, is having insurance that does not work.”

We are focused on getting you the right advice. We take the time to understand your business by asking the right questions during inspections


Certus can help you:

  • In assessing and managing your risks

  • By providing advice on insurance solutions that adequately meet your needs and help you arrange, acquire and maintain proper insurance

  • By acting as your advocate to settle any claims that are made on your behalf under your insurance

Certus’ 100% adequate business insurance guarantee

How can you be sure that you have acquired the most beneficial coverage? It is easy to get confused with countless possible policies offering different coverages, conditions, premiums and limitations. 





Certus. Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur

A sure friend is known in unsure times”

Quintus Ennius (considered to many as the father of Roman poetry) 239 B.C.-169 B.C. As quoted by Cicero in “De Amicitia”, Chapter XVII

There is a reason why this latin phrase is our slogan. It perfectly embodies our philosophy, the one goal we strive to live up to every day. Our clients know. When it is surety you need, in unsure times, you want us on your side! A friend in need is a friend indeed.

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